Why your iPhone Battery Dies So Fast - Ultimate Solutions

Several factors may be at play if your iPhone battery dies so fast. Begin by assessing battery health in the Settings app; consider replacing the battery if necessary. Identify and manage apps with high power consumption, adjust screen brightness, and turn off location services to optimize battery performance.

Why your iPhone Battery Dies So Fast

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Today, the iPhone is an important asset in people's lives. Almost everywhere, people aim to use or have at least one iPhone. Many even consider having a phone from such a valuable brand a dream. Some prefer using their cameras for taking photographs while others utilize them professionally - no harm done either way.

The features iPhone offers are impeccable. It aids our lives in many ways that make us relax and, to some extent, happy. Everything went well with the iPhone until suddenly, the iPhone battery died so fast. It's a pain for you to be charged every day more than once or not have the ability to carry it around, or even utilize it at times when needed. There are solutions to any issue. We will explore the root causes that are behind Why Your iPhone Battery Dies So Fast as well as Why My iPhone Battery Dies So Fast and offer troubleshooting solutions that will help you prolong the life of your battery.

Your iPhone battery die so fast

Why your iPhone Battery dies so Fast?

Here are some of the common reasons why your iPhone battery's health slows down increasingly and your iPhone battery dies so fast:
  • Sometimes, you resort to using mobile data because of the inadequate network. Consuming excessive amounts of mobile data lowers your battery life as more energy is drained.
  • According to Apple support, batteries are consumables; they lose a little capacity every time they are discharged and recharged. This equals about a 1% loss for every 25 "full charge cycles." Therefore, overcharging the device degrades your iPhone battery die so fast.
  • Having a high brightness level consumes excessive energy from your iPhone; hence, its battery's strength becomes quickly deprived.
  • Setting a screen timeout for a long period will increase your iPhone's battery life as it feeds off a great amount of your device's strength.
  • Push mail is a feature that connects your iPhone to your mail server, allowing your emails to pop up whenever they arrive. As much as it's useful, however, it enables your iPhone's battery to reduce faster.
  • Years of continuous use of the iPhone puts a strain on its battery, and even using the iPhone for several hours a day can weaken the storm, causing your iPhone battery die so fast.
  • Some applications or games use a tremendous amount of data and cache memory that drains your iPhone's battery, making it weaker.
  • Turning on your location constantly increases your iPhone's battery charge and causes it to lower itself significantly.
  • Your iPhone's background apps keep it active because apps are still running, which puts more strain on your battery, causing your iPhone battery die so fast.
  • If you keep your iPhone under too hot or too cold temperatures, then it prominently harms your battery, reducing its efficiency.

Why Does your iPhone Battery dies so Fast

How do I Stop My iPhone Battery from Aging So Fast?

Let us consider some methods you can try to extend the battery life of your iPhone and prevent its charge from dissipating too rapidly:
  • Utilize Wi-Fi instead of mobile data as it consumes less energy.
  • Strive not to charge your iPhone more often than once daily.
  • Use low power mode as it conserves your battery.
  • Lower your screen's brightness level to save your iPhone's power, preventing its battery from dropping quickly. Enable auto-brightness to let your iPhone adjust its power by itself depending on the environment. It would help to use dark mode instead of light as it reduces energy.
  • Set a screen timeout for a limited period that feeds off less energy from your iPhone battery Die so fast.
  • Go to settings and then to notifications to turn off your push email feature to prevent your iPhone from being bombarded with push notifications and reduce your device's strength.
  • Replace your battery if your iPhone is a couple of years older or worn out.
  • Uninstall applications that consume too much space or use too much data and power. It prevents your iPhone battery die so fast.
  • Please don't turn on your location services unless it's mandatory to conserve your iPhone's battery power.
  • Remove apps after you're done using them. Close off your background app and refresh for applications you don't use often. Here are the steps to do that: Settings > General > Background App > Refresh. Clear the cache memory of every app once in a while.
  • Keep your iPhone under normal temperatures for it to remain healthy.
  • Once in a while, check to monitor your iPhone battery's health status and see how far your iPhone battery dies so quickly. You can do this by going to settings. Click "Battery Health and Charging". It will show your phone's activity for the last 24 hours and 10 days. On the next screen, your iPhone will recommend settings changes that improve your battery life. You can click on each recommendation to know the setting that needs changing. If you don't like changing, you might understand what is enabling your battery strain.
  • Turn off the 'Raise to Wake' feature on your iPhone, as it will prevent your device from opening whenever it comes into contact with your skin, reducing your battery's power. Here's how you can do it: Settings > Display & Brightness > Switch off the 'Raise to Wake' button.
  • Resetting your iPhone may help it stop running out of battery quickly and provide it with extra juice; alternatively, setting auto-shutoff can save the battery.
  • Toggle off Bluetooth alongside Bluetooth apps, preserving your iPhone's strength.

How do I Stop My iPhone Battery from Aging So Fast


Be sure to follow all the steps and precautions mentioned here to stop your iPhone battery dies so fast. Doing this may prevent your iPhone battery from dying too quickly while keeping it healthy and alive! However, should problems still arise after trying your best, replacing them with another model or reaching out to Apple Support might help address them effectively.

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Proper care of an iPhone battery should extend its lifespan up to five years before performance levels start to dwindle drastically - however, standard performance of iPhone batteries typically only last two years before becoming inadequate for their purpose.

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According to Apple Support, an average battery can hold 80% of its original capacity after being charged 500 cycles under normal circumstances. When your capacity drops below 80, Apple will notify you by providing an error message recommending replacement with a brand-new battery.

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